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Dynamics of the oocyte plasma membrane CIRB Paris Marie-Emilie Terret 31/12/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Cytoplasm Mechanics and Embryo Development Institut Jacques Monod Paris Nicolas Minc 31/12/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Quantitative Cell Biology/Statistical Physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure LP ENS Paris Vincent Hakim 31/08/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Force and strain during tumor cell invasion Institut Pasteur Paris Sandrine Etienne-Manneville 31/08/2025 Télécharger le PDF
opto-acoustics microscopy 12 mois I2M, Département d’Acoustique Physique Bordeaux Bernard Audoin 30/06/2025 Télécharger le PDF
lipid biology EMBL Heidelberg Alba Diz-Munoz 30/06/2025
a new quantitative viewpoint on the response of bacteria to antibiotics Institut Pasteur Paris Charles Baroud 30/06/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Non-equilibrium fluctuations as drivers of tissue fluidization during embryonic development CiNAM Marseille Emily Gehrels 30/06/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Biophysics Rockfeller university New York Eric Siggia 30/06/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Bacterial Biofilm Compressive Raman Imaging LJP Paris Nelly Henry 30/06/2025 Télécharger le PDF
uterine hypercontractility in endometriosis MSC Paris Nicolas Chevalier 30/04/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Postdoctoral position at the interface of machine learning, computational biology and statistical physics IPhT Paris-Saclay Jorge FERNANDEZ-DE-COSSIO-DIAZ 10/03/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Understanding epithelial morphogenesis Polarity Division and Morphogenesis Team Institut Curie, Paris Yohanns Bellaiche 06/01/2025 Télécharger le PDF
caractérisation molécule-unique d’agents thérapeutiques hybrides destinés à la stimulation de la réponse immunitaire Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Charlie Gosse 02/01/2025
Sorting bacterial extracellular vesicles with micro- and opto-fluidics LP2N Bordeaux Amaury Badon 31/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Reconstitution of biological functions on programmable DNA biochips Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel Michael Levy 31/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Mechanosensitivity of intermediate filaments at the single-filament level Institut Jacques Monod Paris Cécile Leduc 31/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Mechanobiology of the cytoskeleton at the single filament and network scale Institut Jacques Monod Paris Guillaume Romet-Lemonne Cécile Leduc 31/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Interplay between adhesion and contractility in actin networks Laboratoire Jean Perrin Paris Lea Laetitia Pontani 31/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Evolutionary modelling to understand the interactions between hard tick metabolism and Babesia development in its tick vector Inria Saclay Paris Saclay Mathieu HEMERY 31/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Droplets as force sensors at a tissue/tissue interface Laboratoire Jean Perrin Paris Lea-Laetitia Pontani 31/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Construct a microscope that combines digital holography and light sheet microscopy to image bacterial biofilm nucleation CBS Montpellier Ashley Nord 31/12/2024
Biomicrofluidics, Bioengineering or Biophysics LP2N Bordeaux Pierre Nassoy 31/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Tissue engineering LP2N Bordeaux Pierre Nassoy 06/12/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Bacterial Mechanics and Physiology Laboratoire Jean Paris Paris Nicolas Biais 23/11/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Biophysics of type IV pili assembly Pathogenesis of Vascular Infections Institut Pasteur Guillaume Duménil 30/07/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Cancer-cell-on-chip ILM Ampere Lyon Charlotte Rivière 30/06/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Theory: mechanics of cytoskeletal networks LPTMS et PMMH Paris et Orsay Martin Lenz 20/06/2024
Random walk on a DNA origami to solve mazes: a biophysical study ENS LYON LYON Cendrine Moskalenko 03/06/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Physics of Evolving Living Cornell University Ithaca, New York, USA Andrea Giometto 01/05/2024
biologie cellulaire et mécanobiologie IBPS Toulouse Renaud Poincloux 18/04/2024
Mesures et modèles biophysique de la mécanique cellulaire LAAS CNRS TOULOUSE 15/03/2024 Télécharger le PDF
In vitro Reconstitution of Cellular Protrusions Institut Curie UMR 168 Paris Patricia Bassereau 11/03/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Morphogenetic reverse-engineering: learning collective cell behaviors in embryos and tissues Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology Collège de France, Paris Hervé Turlier 15/02/2024 Télécharger le PDF
active matter problems related to microbial navigation and transport Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics Leipzig, Germany Katja Taute 02/02/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Theory of mechano-genetic interactions in stem cell aggregates CPT, Marseille Marseille Mathias Merkel 31/01/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Nuclear mechanics and cell division Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto Porto, Portugal JORGE FERREIRA 24/01/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Cellular Regulation of Basement Membrane Growth Living Systems Institute University of Exeter Exeter, UK Dr. Stefan Harmansa 10/01/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Postdoctoral position in cell biophysics - Mechanotransduction at the Golgi apparatus Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC) Université Paris Cité – CNRS UMR7057 Paris Jean-Baptiste Manneville 01/01/2024 Télécharger le PDF
cell-free synthetic biology University of Minesota Mineapolis Vincent Noireaux 31/12/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Multiscale mechanobiology of spheroids and organoids Institut Pasteur Paris Charles Baroud 31/12/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Experimental analysis of natural and experimental variation in morphogenetic trajectories during ascidian development CRBM Montpellier Patrick Lemaire 31/12/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Dynamic cell-matrix interactions in cancer within controlled 3D fiber arrays Physico Chimie Curie, UMR168 Paris Sylvie Coscoy, Vincent Semetey 31/12/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Building a smart microscope to image fast biological processes in 3D Institut Fresnel Marseille Loic Le Goff 31/12/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Epithelial mat of active cilia: collective dynamics and complex fluid transport CINAM Marseille Annie Viallat, Etienne Loiseau 30/12/2023 Télécharger le PDF
theoretical physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists The Rockefeller University New York city 15/11/2023 Télécharger le PDF
ostdoctoral fellowships at the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology (NITMB) Chicago, USA 01/11/2023
3D Imaging and analysis of the brain gliovascular interface in health and disease Physiology and physiopathology of the gliovascular unit Center for interdisciplinary research in Biology, Collège de France, Paris. Martine Cohen-Salmon 30/10/2023 Télécharger le PDF
theoretical physics of the cytoskeleton LPTMS Orsay Martin Lenz 15/10/2023
biophysique / microscopie super-résolution University of Warwick Campus Coventry, UK Seamus Holden 10/10/2023
Theoretical Biophysics / Statistical Physics of Biological Systems Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier Nils-Ole Walliser 09/10/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Biophysical modeling of plant-microbiome interactions: application to grape vine infected by GFLV Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier Jean-Charles Walter 30/09/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Endothelial dynamics in 3D chiral fiber microenvironments Physico Chimie Curie, UMR 168, Paris et Chimie ParisTech, Paris 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France Sylvie Coscoy et Vincent Semetey 15/09/2023 Télécharger le PDF
post-doc : Regulation of γ-TuRC activation Institut Jacques Monod Paris Paul Conduit 01/09/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Microfluidic flow of vesicle prototissues Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier Laura Casanellas Vilageliu 01/09/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Microfluidic flow of vesicle prototissues Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier Laura Casanellas 01/09/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Biophysics of the cell cortex PMMH Paris Olivia Du Roure et Julien Heuvingh 01/08/2023
(re-)design of regulatory proteins combined with modelling their impact on regulation in dynamic biological systems Vrije Universiteit Brussel Bruxelles Prof. Dr. Sophie de Buyl 01/08/2023
cell and tissue mechanics Institut Jacques Monod Paris René-Marc Mège et benoit Ladoux 31/07/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Post-doc in experimental Biophysics: Cilia Beating Dynamics for in vitro Gene Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier Gladys Massiera 31/07/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Flippable Liposomes MSC et Pasteur-ENS Paris Stéphanie Mangenot 01/07/2023