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PhD Student

TitleLaboratoryLocationContactClosing datePDF
Magnetotactic Bacteria in Porous Media & Active Matter Anderson Localization LCB and CPT Marseille Luminy Marseille Jean-Francois Rupprecht 12/31/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Exploring nonequilibrium activity and enhanced diffusion in living cells using experiment, theory, and machine learning Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (LPT) and Centre de Biologie Intégrative (CBI), Toulouse Wylie W. Ahmed 08/31/2025 Télécharger le PDF
Deciphering Apoptosis Mechanical Signature using nanoparticle tracking and optical tweezers CBI, LAAS, LPT Toulouse Magali Suzanne 07/31/2025 Télécharger le PDF
the physical mechanisms that drive embryonic development CiNAM Marseille Emily Gehrels et Pierre Ronceray 06/30/2025
EndoEmbryo: Hybrid AI to Understand How Intracellular Trafficking Shapes Embryo Morphogenesis Institut Fresnel / IBDM/ CENTURI Marseille Philippe Roudot 01/27/2025 Télécharger le PDF
biophysics of the bacterial flagellar motor and bacterial motility CBS Montpellier Ashley Nord 12/31/2024
Super-Resolution Microscopy for Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair Dynamics Institut langevin Paris Ignacio Izeddin 12/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Reconstitution of biological functions on programmable DNA biochips Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel Michael Levy 12/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Croissance des racines et leur interaction mécanique avec le sol Liphy Grenoble Alexander Erlich 12/31/2024
Building a Cell: From Active Matter to Biological Function The Centre for Genomic Regulation Barcelona Thomas Surrey 12/30/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Statistical methods for the assessment of the departure from equilibrium of biological systems LJP et LP-ENS Paris Silvia Grigolon, Aleksandra Walczak, Thierry Mora 10/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Quantum-electrochemistry detection of DNA-protein interactions for cancer screening Institute of Nanotechnology (IEMN CNRS) Lille Fabrizio CLERI 10/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Connecting bacterial warfare in the gut to colorectal cancer IMFT et IRSD Toulouse Yohan Davit et Jean-Philippe Nougayrède 10/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Study Biomolecular Condensates and mRNA Local Translation Laboratoire de Chime-ENS Paris Zoher Gueroui 09/30/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Tissuloid model for studying tissue self-organization Biosciences and bioengineering for health laboratory Grenoble Maxim Balakirev et Alice Nicolas 09/01/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Reading biomolecules with a tiny key hole LP ENSL Lyon Fabien Montel 08/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Physics of cell adhesion to a soft interface Liphy Grenoble Delphine Debarre 08/31/2024
Model of Desmin-related cardiomyopathy IPBS et ILM Paris et Lyon Pierre Joanne, Onnik Agbulut, Hélène Delanoe-Ayari 08/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Force nanosensor development for measuring mechanical stress exerted by living cells L2N Troyes Rodolphe Jaffiol 08/31/2024
Biophysical modeling of postsynaptic domain dynamics IB ENS - LP ENS Paris Jonas Ranft, Vincent Hakim 08/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Mechanical biomarkers of oocyte quality LAMBE Evry Clément Campillo 07/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Study of dynamic cell-matrix interactions within microfabricated 3D arrays mimicking the tumor microenvironment. TWO FINANCED PhD POSITIONS (PhD position 1) Chemistry/biomaterials and cell biology (PhD position 2) Biophysics and image analysis Institut Curie (PCC) et Chimie ParisTech-PSL 75005 Paris Sylvie Coscoy et Vincent Semetey 07/19/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Study of dynamic cell-matrix interactions within microfabricated 3D arrays mimicking the tumor microenvironment. TWO FINANCED PhD POSITIONS (PhD position 1) Chemistry/biomaterials and cell biology (PhD position 2) Biophysics and image analysis Institut Curie (PCC) et Chimie ParisTech-PSL 75005 Paris Sylvie Coscoy et Vincent Semetey 07/19/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Use of magnetic tweezers for the design of epigenetic modulators LCPBT et LPENS Paris Erica Benedetti et Jean-Francois Allemand 07/03/2024
biophysics of protein condensates INSERM, DyNaMo, U1325 Marseille Felix Rico 06/30/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Quantum-electrochemistry detection of DNA-protein interactions for cancer screening IEMN Lille Fabrizio Cleri 06/30/2024
Modelling Shape Generation by the Basement Membrane Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter Exeter, UK Dr. Stefan Harmansa 06/30/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Neural Tissue patterning: how tissue mechanics feedback on genetically encoded programs IBDM Marseille Mehdi Saadaoui et Raphaël Clément 05/31/2024
Emergence of a large-scale multicellular actin star network for epithelial connectivity and differentiation IBDM Marseille Delphine Delacour 05/31/2024
mapping and uncovering the role of non-equilibrium fluctuations in developing fly embryos CiNAM Marseille Emily Gehrels et Pierre Ronceray 02/15/2024
Forward and inverse modeling of cleavage patterning in early embryos Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology Collège de France, Paris Hervé Turlier 02/15/2024 Télécharger le PDF
active matter problems related to microbial navigation and transport Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics Leipzig, Germany Katja Taute 02/02/2024 Télécharger le PDF
Theory of mechano-genetic interactions in stem cell aggregates CPT, Marseille Marseille Mathias Merkel 01/31/2024 Télécharger le PDF
computational models and new methods for (engineered) biological systems Ghent University Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Department of Data analysis and mathematical modelling Gent, Belgium Paul Van Liedekerke 12/31/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Study of semi-flexible fibrous network materials LSPM Villetaneuse Umut Salman, 12/31/2023 Télécharger le PDF
PhD positions in the DarChemDN Marie Curie Doctoral Network Laboratoire de Chimie, ESPCI Paris Diab-Adams FREYFER 10/31/2023
A single cell approach to dissect the coupling between ocillatory metabolism and cell division GMGM laboratory Strasbourg Gilles Charvin 10/01/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Theoretical physics modelling of bacterial respiration and charge transfer Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier Andrea Parmeggiani 09/30/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Biophysical modeling of the auto-assembly driving bacterial DNA segregation Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier Jean-Charles Walter 09/30/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Building a smart microscope to image fast biological processes in 3D Institut Fresnel Marseille Loic Le Goff 08/31/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Study of the molecular basis of “decision-making” in signaling downstream the SRC-family kinases through the coupling between optotgenetic control, proximity labelling and phosphoproteomics Institute for Advanced Biosciences Grenoble Olivier Destaing 07/01/2023 Télécharger le PDF
How do cells regulate proliferation under mechanical pressure? LAAS Toulouse Morgan Delarue 07/01/2023
Construction of a provisional gene expression to phenotype map for embryonic development CRBM Montpellier Patrick Lemaire 07/01/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Biophysics/Immuno-Oncology Adhesion and Inflammation Lab (LAI) Marseille Laurent Limozin 07/01/2023
Studying the mechanisms and mechanics driving tissue folding IBV,University Côte d’Azur et Liphy Nice et Grenoble Matteo Rauzi et Jocelyn Etienne 06/22/2023 Télécharger le PDF
Theoretical physics modelling of bacterial respiration and charge transfer Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier Andrea Parmeggiani 01/09/2023 Télécharger le PDF